Friday, May 13, 2011


Compacts are small or loosely networked connection of similarly minded hunters who can offer each other support and the strength of numbers.
The Long Night - Christian hunters who fight the agents of evil in attempt to stave off the end of the world.
Null Mysteriis - Skeptics who battle the supernatural in an attempt to prove it does not exist.

Network Zero – Network Zero uses radio, television and Internet resources to not only hunt monsters but also to publicize its existence.

The Union – Ragtag blue-collar monster hunters, members of the Union work without government sanction to protect humanity against its most dangerous enemies.
The Ashwood Abbey – A decadent Hellfire Club dedicated to experiencing everything that life (or unlife) has to offer.

The Loyalist of Thule – Hungry for knowledge, this occult group seeks things man not meant to know in places he was not meant to tread.


Conspiracies span the globe and often centuries. Membership within one of the conspiracies offers hunters not only support and solidarity, but each also has developed certain unique resources called Endowments, which are available to members only.
Task Force: VALKYRIE – As part of a Joint Task Force, this covert government anti-monster brigade includes members from every branch of the military, foreign and domestic. It hunts by order only, slaying monsters where and when its higher-ups dictate. Task force: VALKYRIE’s Endowment is advanced armory, high-tech supernatural waeapons with which to fight the monstrous enemies of the human race.
The Lucifuge – Is it a paradox for those who consider themselves the children of a fallen angel to hunt monsters? The Lucifuge doesn’t think so, hoping to earn its redemption by slaying the truly evil forces in the world. The Lucifuge’s Endowment is Castigation, unholy rituals that grant it power over its foes. Will it be enough to atone for its founder’s sin?
The Cheiron Group – A confederacy of international corporations, the Cheiron
Group possesses great wealth and technology. Those who serve the conspiracy have access to the Thaumatechnology Endowment, which allows them to use the supernatural’s own physical and metaphysical powers against it…  but is the price their humanity?
Aegis Kai Doru – Greek for “Shield and Spear” the Aegis Kai Doru searches the world for history’s legendary artifacts with which to bolster its numbers in the nigh-timeless battle against the forces of darkness. Members of Aegis Kai Doru have access to some of the worlds most powerful (and profane) Relics as an Endowment.
Ascending Ones – The Ascending Ones trace their history and symbology back to both ancient Egypt and Muhammed the Prophet. Like the sacred sun, they see themselves as a cleansing agent that can burn away the monstrous impurities of the world. The Ascending ones’ Endowment is Elixirs, powerful potions that can bolster their members’ bodies and spirits – or bring excruciating agony, addiction and death to those who oppose them.
Malleus Maleficarum – in the Middle Ages, the Malleus Maleficarum wielded the power of the Church against vampires. Today, the Catholic conspiracy pursues supernatural monsters of all sorts with religious zeal. The Mallets Malefic arum uses its Benediction Endowment in an attempt to purge the world of monsters with these on-demand miracles.

From Hunter: The vigil, the World of Darkness Published by White Wolf entertainment.
Pages 56 & 57

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

WOD : Block by bloody Block

Your city is carved into pieces

You can look out over the city and see what you want to see. Maybe you see the bright lights, and it gives you hope. Maybe you see the tall buildings casting their powerful shadows, and it makes you feel small. But high up, it’s not that you can’t see the forest for the trees—it’s that you can’t see the trees for the forest.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Benjamin Franklin

"when the well is dry, we know the worth of water."

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hunter : The Vigil

The Vigil is as old as humankind itself. As long as monsters have prowled the darkness, brave and desperate mortals have walked out of the protective ring of firelight to pursue those shadows. Some die. Many go mad. But someone else picks up the torch and steps into the dark.
Some hunters whisper about the history that has preceded them; others boast loudly about it. Few are certain what's true and what's not, only that the Vigil is both timeless and ceaseless.